Capacitor start motor is common used in domestic and industrial application for air-condition,blower fan,vacuum cleaner,water pump and many more.
Basic operation for the motor capacitor start is during starting,capacitor will create the wave of current to one or more winding for motor that need to generate rotating electromagnet to turn the stator of motor.
It’s has a primary and an additional winding connected with starting capacitor.It’s connected to a series of capacitors and centrifugal switches.
What is Motor capacitor start?
This motor use the capacitor sized for high starting torque.We also can use a split phase motor with the addition of a capacitor in the starting winding.
It used for the heavy task because it has a high starting torque.Common use on compressors and other hard starting equipment.
Normally capacitor rated for this motor is above 15 μf with nominal voltage capacity from 240 VAC to 440 VAC in single phase.
Capacitor Start Motor Characteristic
- Very high starting torque
- Very high starting current
For more detail about Motor capacitor start,please read article about motor capacitor start characteristic for further understanding.It detail with lab experiment and theory.
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