Definition of Surge voltage

What is the surge voltage?For our easy understanding,electrical surge is a sudden high pick out of voltage value in the system.It can happened in electrical power distribution and communications lines entering homes,factory, offices, and other facilities.

The surges voltage happened due to natural factor such as lighting or human error.It can effected and can cause serious damage for any unprotected electronic device that connected to the power or communication lines.

Electronic products that are especially vulnerable to surges include microprocessors or micro controllers, such as computers, TV, server system, cordless telephones, and inverter. read more

charging methods for UPS batteries

When we used the power from batteries,it will drop and losses the power performance.It must be charging to full back a capacity of batteries.It must be discharged periodically and charged up back to ensure it will supply enough power supply when needed.

Manufacture have a design suitable charging process for their UPS to ensure it can recharged a battery more faster and prolong the life span.If the charger equipment is breakdown,it can cause the power supply shortage due to UPS cannot deliver the voltage. read more

Energy solar

This energy come from sun.It send a enormous amount of energy.It totally free and clean source.Now the solar energy become the alternative green house technology for electricity generation.It call the green technology.It not pollute the environment and not accumulate any hazardous waste.

Day by day,cost to produce electrical energy increase and its the main factor why more people a looking to the solar power as an affordable supplement to traditional energy sources.

If we can improve solar technology with low cost and more efficiency maybe we will not facing any more for energy crisis.So anybody can use this technology to generate the power supply form the free source.

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Alternating Current (AC)

What is an alternating current?

Alternating current (ac) is changing the current flow.Changes in the flow of current in ac circuits because if the changes the polarity of the alternating voltage source alternately.

Current value will increase from zero to a maximum in the positive direction and then dropped to zero. Next, the current will be reduced to a maximum in the negative direction. Then, the current back up to zero.

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