Safety precaution for electrical works

As we known when working on electrical installations, safety matter is our priority.Every step we need to consider about hazards when perform electrical works.

Only competent electrician can work on electrical installation or live condition according to relevant industrial safety standards.Common industrial safety standard for electrical works such as VDE 0105 for Germany, and international standards for EN 50110 or IEC 60364.

For electrician,they need to special tools which have been tested and qualified with electrical standard.Hand tools also must suitable and followed the electrical standard  IEC 60900 and it has specified worldwide requirements for tools for electrical live condition.

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Rubber mats

As we known,rubber is very good for electric insulation.It used in many electrical safety equipment and device to protect person from electric shocked.Rubber mats is a rubber sheet commonly used at sub station and control panel.

The main purpose is to cover and insulate floors from electric path away to the earth and to avoid completed circuit when current flow in human body.It can save our life from electric shock when perform electrical task.

We must ensure the rubber mats have a quality and follow electrical regulation standard and specification.Please checked the rubber mats condition and apparent it is in good shape to avoid any injuries or death causes when electric shock happened. read more

Eyes protection

Around the world,eyes injuries happened about 2500 case per day and 20% from that is permanent vision loss.So imagine how about our future life when we cannot see anymore due to not wear eyes protection.

According to the statistic,three main factor causes for the eyes injuries such as falling or flying objects,chemical splash and not used proper tools and equipment.

For electrical jobs,the hazard for eyes injuries such as arc flash,drilling jobs,grinding and many more.So we must used the proper and suitable eyes protection depend on our jobscopes. read more

Selecting electric glove size

In electrical job scopes,PPE ( personal protection equipment ) is a one of important thing when perform a tasks to avoid an electric shock.It can cause the serious fatal and injury even death.

This time i want share some information how to selecting an electric glove size correctly.It important because when we perform an electrical task,we need a comfort glove to handle electrical equipment or device correctly.

If gloves size is too small it can cause a uncomfortable and cause hand fatigue or injured.when you select hand protection that is too large, a gloves getting caught into moving parts of machinery or snagged on jagged edges. A glove that is too loose also can cause uncomfortable when perform a task. read more