VDE tools

VDE stand for Verband der Elektrotechnik .It is the Association of German Electrical Engineers as known now by the name of Association for Electrical, Electronic &Information Technologies .

The VDE Testing and Certification Institute is a nationally and internationally accredited institution in the field of  testing and certification of electrical engineering devices,components and systems.

VDE tools is main equipment for electrician when perform their electrical works to avoid short circuit and unnecessary contact to each other of phase if circuit in live mode.All electrician must have a basic about VDE tools and how to use it.

Why used VDE tools?

The main objective is on  safety issued for the person when working in the life parts.Using the VDE tools,we can prevent from electric shock and serious injury.

VDE tools MUST meet all requirements for working in systems with up to 1,000 VAC or 1,500VDC.It perform several types of tested to ensure VDE tools can stand for any condition and have a good protective insulation .

Meaning of symbol or mark for VDE tools

1) VDE-GS mark

Technical working equipment and consumable materials subject to the applicable device and product safety laws bear the VDE-GS mark.

This stands for the safety of the product with respect to electrical,mechanical, thermal, toxicological,radiological and other dangers.

In addition, tools with the VDE-GS mark conform to the VDE regulations or European or internationally harmonized standards.They confirm the compliance with the safety requirements of the respective guidelines.

2) Double triangle and voltage range

If insulated tools or aids are marked with the symbol of the double triangle and the assigned voltage or voltage range specification or the class,they are suitable for working on energized parts.

3) IEC 60900:2004

An international standard which,among other things, describes the design of insulated tools in detail.For example, the thickness of the protective insulation is specified.

In addition, the standard defines individual tests (piece tests) as well as series and random sample tests for checking the electrical safety of the protective insulation.

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